Battling the Invisible Foe: Mould Management in Queensland Homes


Battling the Invisible Foe: Mould Management in Queensland Homes

In the picturesque landscapes of Queensland, where the sun graces the earth with warmth and the rains bring life, there lies an unseen adversary in many homes - mould. This uninvited guest not only mars the aesthetic appeal of dwellings but also poses significant health risks to its occupants. Understanding mould, its dangers, detection methods, and eradication strategies is paramount for maintaining a healthy, happy home.

Whether you are a rental tenant, a landlord or an owner-occupier, this issue is important to address promptly, as mould is much easier to stop in its tracks when it first appears, rather than after it has become established and embedded within materials. Mould isn't just a dirty mark that can be cleaned like other sources of discoloration. It's a community of living organisms that can take hold deep within plasterboard, wood, fabric and other porous surfaces if given time to do so.

The Hidden Hazard: Understanding Mould

Mould is a type of fungi that thrives in moist, warm conditions, making Queensland's subtropical climate a perfect breeding ground. Given the amount of rain that the Gold Coast and much of Queensland experienced during the past summer wet season, mould has been in its element, making it harder to keep this fungus out of homes. Mould can grow on various surfaces, including walls, ceilings, carpets, and furniture, often appearing as unsightly patches of black, green, or brown. Porous surfaces and areas that frequently contact water or conditions high humidity, such as the corners of plasterboard ceilings, as well as areas in kitchens, bathrooms and laundries, are particularly vulnerable.

Health Risks: The Silent Impact of Mould

The presence of mould in homes is not merely a cosmetic issue but can pose health concerns. Not every mould species is the safe. Some, such as certain types of black mould, can be more problematic than others when it comes to effects on human health and wellbeing. Exposure to mould spores can lead to a variety of health problems, particularly for those with respiratory conditions, allergies, or weakened immune systems. Common symptoms include coughing, sneezing, throat irritation, nasal congestion, and in severe cases, exacerbation of asthma and allergic reactions.

How to Spot Mould in Your Home

If you suspect that mould may be present in your home, but it's not yet definitively confirmed, it can be handy to know how it behaves. Mould often dwells in hidden corners, for example, making early detection challenging. Here are some indicators to keep in mind:

  • Visual Signs: Look for discolored patches or speckles on walls, ceilings, and other surfaces.
  • Odor: A musty, earthy smell often accompanies mould growth.
  • Health Symptoms: Unexplained allergic reactions or respiratory issues might signal mould presence.
  • Moisture Issues: Areas with water damage, condensation, or high humidity are likely mould hotspots.

Prevention: Keeping Mould at Bay

The adage "prevention is better than cure" holds true for mould management. Here are best practices to prevent mould growth:

  1. Ventilation: Ensure adequate airflow by opening windows and using exhaust fans in high-humidity areas like bathrooms and kitchens.
  2. Humidity Control: Aim to keep indoor humidity levels below 60%. Dehumidifiers can be instrumental in achieving this. In some locations, particularly where homes may be suspended above dirt or clay, it may be necessary to operate indoor dehumidifiers around the clock.
  3. Fix Leaks: Promptly repair any plumbing leaks or issues that could contribute to damp conditions. If you are a tenant, log any plumbing issues with your property manager. If you're a tenant of Wings Real Estate, please use our Maintenance Report tool to make us aware of issues as soon as you notice them.
  4. Roof and Gutter Maintenance: Regularly clean gutters and repair roof leaks to prevent water intrusion. Again, if you are a tenant, report leaks and gutter repair or cleaning issues to us via the Maintenance Reporting tool.
  5. Use Mould-Resistant Products: When renovating or building, consider mould-resistant paint, drywall, and fabrics. Similarly, when cleaning walls, ceilings, wardrobes and other mould-prone surfaces, consider using cleaning products that help to resist mould growth.

The First Sign of Trouble: Cleaning Tips for Early Mould Detection

If you detect mould early, immediate action can prevent its spread. Not only can early intervention help to protect the health of yourself and your loved ones, but it can save further degradation to the condition of the house, therefore also saving money. Here are some cleaning tips to consider:

  • For Non-Porous Surfaces: Clean with a mixture of detergent and water, followed by a disinfectant. Ensure the area is completely dry afterwards.
  • For Porous Surfaces: These are more challenging as mould can infiltrate deep into the material. Small areas can be cleaned, but replacement is often necessary for extensive growth.
  • Natural Solutions: Vinegar or baking soda solutions can be effective for minor mould issues and are less harsh than processed chemical alternatives.

When to Call the Professionals: Mould Removal Options

For extensive mould infestations, especially those covering more than one square metre, professional remediation is strongly advised. Professionals are equipped with the necessary tools and expertise to safely remove mould and address the underlying moisture problem. In some cases, this may involve physical remediation, such as cutting out sections of plasterboard and having these replaced and re-painted. This is crucial to prevent recurrence.

The Aftermath: Post-Removal Best Practices

Once mould is removed, maintaining a mould-resistant home is vital:

  • Regular Inspections: Regularly check previously affected areas and potential hot spots for early signs of mould.
  • Maintain Dry Conditions: Use dehumidifiers, and ensure your home is well-ventilated.
  • Immediate Response to Water Damage: Address any water damage immediately to prevent mould growth.

Conclusion: The Battle Against Mould is Ongoing

Mould management in Queensland homes requires vigilance, proactive measures, and sometimes professional intervention. By understanding the risks associated with mould, adopting preventive measures, and responding swiftly to its presence, homeowners can protect their health and preserve the integrity of their homes. Remember, the key to mould control lies in moisture control. By keeping your home dry and well-ventilated, you can create a hostile environment for mould and ensure your home remains a safe, healthy haven for your family.

This comprehensive approach to mould management underscores the importance of awareness, prevention, and effective response strategies in safeguarding homes and health against the pervasive challenge of mould in Queensland's unique climate. By adhering to these guidelines, residents can enjoy the beauty and comfort of their homes without the unwelcome intrusion of this common, yet manageable, foe.


Disclaimer: This article is general information and does not take your personal circumstances or your property's condition and finishes into account. Before using any treatment products or embarking on any physical work to remove mould, it's wise to consult with experts in the field, and/or to carefully read cleaning product instructions and to carry out spot tests before proceeding further.