Colour Theory in Interior Design: A Guide for Queensland Investors


Colour Theory in Interior Design: A Guide for Queensland Investors

Australia's Sunshine State, Queensland, is not only blessed with an enviable climate and stunning coastlines but also a thriving residential property market. For investors aiming to rent out their properties, tapping into the right interior design elements, particularly colour theory, can significantly elevate the appeal of their rental properties.


Understanding Colour Theory

Colour theory is the art and science of understanding how colours interact, complement, and influence emotion. It revolves around the colour wheel, which showcases primary (red, blue, yellow), secondary (green, orange, purple), and tertiary colours (combinations of primary and secondary), certain combinations of which can create senses of harmony, evoke action or create calm.

1. The Role of Colour in Interior Design:

  • Emotional Impact: Colours can evoke a range of emotions. For instance, blues can provide a sense of calm while reds are more invigorating and passionate.
  • Space Manipulation: Light colours can make a room feel larger, while dark shades can create intimacy.
  • Theme Creation: A coastal Queensland home might employ sandy beiges, oceanic blues, and coral oranges for a beach-themed decor.

2. Colour Combinations for Maximum Appeal

While it might be tempting to deliver a stark, attention-grabbing colour scheme when choosing how to decorate your property's facade, or its interior feature walls, when targeting rental markets, it's often best to select neutral, universally appealing colours in order to broaden the appeal of the property to a more diverse audience. Here's a breakdown of popular combinations:

  • Monochromatic: Using varying shades of a single colour. An all-white or grey theme can be a sophisticated and neutral choice for rentals.
  • Analogous: Colours located next to each other on the wheel, such as blue-green, blue, and blue-purple, yield a harmonious design.
  • Complementary: Opposite colours on the wheel, such as blue and orange, can offer a vibrant and high-contrast look when used wisely.

3. Local Queensland Colours

Having said that, we live in an enviable part of the world, and many people choosing to relocate to the Gold Coast, or Queensland in general, are seeking a lifestyle change that aligns with the feel of our natural environment. For investors in Queensland, then, incorporating local hues can enhance the property's connection to its surroundings. Some possible combinations include:

  • Tropical Tones: Consider the lush rainforests of Far North Queensland, which extend all the way down to crisp beaches in parts. Greens paired with bright yellows or even vibrant bird-like colours can add a tropical touch for those inspired by the intersection of reef, beach and rainforest.
  • Coastal Neutrals: The Gold and Sunshine Coasts inspire palettes of whites, sandy beiges, and soft blues, reflecting the serene beaches and a laid-back, oceanside lifestyle.
  • Outback Earth: The rugged terrains of Outback Queensland can translate into a rich palette of rusts, browns, and muted greens.

4. Finishing Tips for Investors

  • Test First: Always swatch your chosen colours on walls before committing. Queensland's bright sunlight can alter how colours appear and, in the case of exterior paints, it can cause them to fade over time, so plan for that eventuality.
  • Flexibility: Consider your tenant demographic. If targeting families, durable, easy-to-clean finishes in neutral tones might be best. For upscale markets, elegant touches like soft pastels or metallics can work.
  • Accessories Matter: While the primary colour palette should remain neutral for broad appeal, if you are renting a fully-furnished space, or you are using staging furniture during the sales/rental process, then use accessories (cushions, artwork, rugs, feature panels) for pops of colour. These can be easily changed based on tenant preferences.
  • Seek Professional Advice: If uncertain, consulting with a local Queensland interior designer can offer insights tailored to your property and the desired demographic.


While the world of colour theory in interior design is vast, for Queensland-based investors, the key is balancing universal appeal with touches of local charm. By understanding and implementing effective colour combinations, you can enhance your property's allure, ensuring it stands out in the rental market.