QLD Natural Disasters


QLD Natural Disasters

If you are a Queenslander, you already know that storm season is fast approaching. For our landlords that are based interstate, we are here to help you prepare yourself, your tenants and most importantly your investment property, for what Queensland Summer’s commonly experience high winds, heavy rain, storms, floods and fires.


It is important to have a knowledgeable property manager during this approaching season and at Wings Real Estate, we are experienced at handling Queensland storms and natural disasters should your property be affected. We also take a proactive approach and look for ways to reduce your properties risk where possible. 


How to prepare:

-        Gutter cleaning & roof checks

-        Tree trimming & powerline awareness

-        Educating your tenants – do they know what to do?

-        Insurance Coverage


Gutter Cleaning

Having clean gutters ensures that when heavy rain and storms come through, the downpipes do not get clogged which may result in water ingress through the roof cavity causing ceiling dampness, stains and potentially mould.


Tree Trimming & Powerline awareness

Wings Real Estate work with not only 1 but 3 tree lopping companies we have grown trusting relationships with. We can have a free quote arranged for you with your permission, to ensure your property and tenants are safe this season.


Educating Your Tenants

Your property manager, Ellie, educates your tenants at every chance. Are they looking for ceiling stains? Do they know how to turn off the safety switch at the electrical box? Do they know to call State Emergency Services and what their contact details are? The answer is yes. This October, Ellie has sent all our tenants an easy to understand email providing information on storm awareness and preparation, what to do and who to contact in the event of a storm emergency. 


Insurance Coverage

Insurance is highly recommended and if you are not signed up already, we are here to help you do so. If your property were to become unliveable, not only can your property manager commence an insurance claim on your behalf, however they can promptly coordinate all repairs and in the relevant sequence, saving you money and bringing your property back to a habitable condition. Tenants may need to find alternative accommodation or have their tenancy terminated. Your property manager will discuss this with you and assist the process. There is strict legislation that determines what steps must be followed and there can be time-frames for when this needs to happen by. Thankfully, Wings Real Estate has the knowledge and tools to ensure you are taken care of through this often stressful process.


For further information or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our professional team at Wings Real Estate on 0406 644 188.


Your property, is safe with us.